Mark's Digital Playground 2024
- Weather 1.3 Got the F temp and printed in correct places - Uploaded 02-28-24
- CSS Basics More basic CSS with a few lines of JS - a bit of responsiveness though nothing special here - Uploaded 02-25-24
- Mod 2 More APIs but with Database creation and use - Uploaded 02-14-24
- ISS Graphed 2 Sites Plotting the ISS and 2 APIs to create auto refresh moving map with Open Street Map and Leaflet - Uploaded 02-13-24
- 3 Graph Sites 3 Graphing Sites -using Graph Js - Fetch, Graph, Multiple Streams - Uploaded 02-12-24
- 2 Page Blog2 page blog - HTML, CSS - connecting stylesheets, fonts - Uploaded 02-09-24
- Fizz BuzzThe quick coding Favorite - Mods of 3 and 5 - Uploaded 02-06-24
- Quick FetchGrabbing a Remote Json file, parse and display Names - Uploaded 02-11-24
- Weather 1.1Using API - my 1st attempt and the page I really want - Uploaded 02-05-24
Eventually, this whole list will become part of my personal CMS, or blog
That's why it looks plain and boring right now